The Spooky Sound Design of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Film Reviews, Filmmaking, Industry NewsRoberto CuartasOctober 10, 2024sound design, audio post production, film industry, film making, feature film
The Sound Design of The Boys (TV Series) Film Reviews, Filmmaking, Industry NewsRoberto CuartasAugust 5, 2024film making, feature film, film industry, sound design, audio post production
The Sound Design of Dune: Part II Film Reviews, Filmmaking, Sound DesignRoberto CuartasMay 14, 2024sound effects, feature film, film making, sound design, film, audio post production
The Epic Sounds Of The House Of The Dragon Film Reviews, Sound DesignRoberto CuartasNovember 28, 2022sound design, film making, feature film, audio post production
The Northman: The Beating Sound of Revenge Film Reviews, Sound DesignRoberto CuartasJune 16, 2022sound design, audio post production, film making, feature film
Dune: A Sound Experience from Another World Film Reviews, Sound DesignRoberto CuartasNovember 24, 2021film industry, film, audio post production, feature film, sound design
‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’ and The Eye-Catching Sound Elements Film Reviews, Sound DesignRoberto CuartasOctober 1, 2019audio post production, feature film, sound design, sound effects
Bernie The Dolphin Industry News, FilmmakingGuest UserDecember 3, 2018post production sound, release, feature film, theater